
毕业季 | 理工学院2020年毕业生院长寄语

SSE 香港中文大学深圳SSE 2022-05-28







Distinguished Guests, Colleagues, Friends and graduates of the Class of 2020:

Welcome to the 2020 Commencement for CUHK-Shenzhen, School of Science and Engineering. I would like to extend my sincere greetings to all of you from Hong Kong.

In the past few months, the Coronavirus has spread all over the world. All universities nationwide, including us, have adopted the online "Cloud Classroom", where teachers and students interact remotely to face the challenges and overcome the difficulties together. This has been a challenging period, but it also offers you, the 2020 graduates, something special.

Why do I say so? We know that our life is changing at a rapid pace. New situations and problems are emerging one after another. Learning, is not just something you do at school. Even after graduation, you will find that the knowledge and skills acquired in the classrooms are far from enough. You must keep learning. You must become a lifelong learner.

The "Cloud Classroom" in the special period provides you with the opportunity to practice the skills of self-paced online learning. Comparing with students graduated before you, you are in a much better position to face the uncertain world and grow into a lifelong learner. The stronger the ability of lifelong learning you achieve, the stronger the competitiveness you will have in the future workplace and society.

I am very happy that our 2020 graduates are able to come back to the beautiful campus, to say farewell to each other at the place where you started four years ago. I would like to give my warmest congratulations to all of you who are about to set sail from the great stage of CUHK-Shenzhen. I look forward to seeing you benefit from this extraordinary experience in your lifelong learning journey. 

中国古人云, “吾生而有涯,而知也无涯。” 学无止境,活到老,学到老。与大家共勉! 谢谢!

“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。”理工学院衷心地祝愿2020届本科生毕业快乐,前程似锦!The world is your oyster!

